Good Morning Buddy Maya Information! picture above is the official logo Kang Salman after thinking long for 3 months and this morning kang salman willing to share tips on how to change their blog icon like this blog you know, the icon of the kang salman intent is located on the left sebalah address bar, or in Tab menu bar, look at your blog is still bearing the logo of Blogger are you?Oh yes, that is like this you know:

Well the original as above that the icon that appears on the left (if you have not been tampered with at all), then I changed and the result be like in the right tab and logo image blog address changed, such that the circle was. You can Blogger icon replace it with photographs of friends or other interesting pictures.
To change the icon is not difficult, just apply the following steps:
1. Log in to Blogger.
2. Click Layout>> Edit HTML
3. Then look for the code </ head>, and place the following code before the code </ head>
<link href='' rel='SHORTCUT ICON'/>
So the results are like in this:
<link href='' rel='SHORTCUT ICON'/>
Credit Thanks to Asksalman
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