1. _hrd_Logger v1.0
Number of downloads: 3620
Number of downloads: 2865
Not Worked/Patched/Detected, use hrdbase2
3. MS VC++ 2008
Step by step
1. Logging Offset
1). Run logger.
2). Run PointBlank
3). Wait until logging is complete (PB will be closed automatically).
4). Addys.txt file will open with a successful offset-offset found by a logger.
3). Wait until logging is complete (PB will be closed automatically).
4). Addys.txt file will open with a successful offset-offset found by a logger.
2. Compiling DLL
1) Open MS VC++
2) File-Open-Project/Solution ( Ctrl+Shift+O )
3) search file hrdbase.sln who have downloaded and extract.
4) Open file addys.h, copas isi file addys.txt, ke file addys.h
5) Before Copy
After Paste
6) Build dll, pilih Build – Build Solution ( Ctrl+Shift+B )
7) If theresn't error, DLL ready to inject.
3. Known Issues
To offset Ammo and wall sometimes work sometimes not. In XP sometimes can Error Security, while in Win7 sometimes may Bug Trap, so its not active by default, if you want aktifin, just remove the comments (/ /) at the patch Ammo / wall
If it turns out PB updates, and can not offset sdh dipake, restart the logger to get the new offset, Copy paste and build it back etc..
And if it turns out logger can not get new offsets, I'll try to update his logger_hrd_base2
Credit : hrd
<b><i><blink><font style="color: white; font-family: georgia; font-size: small;">Kupluck</font><font style="color: red; font-family: georgia; font-size: large;">Merah</font></blink></i></b>
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