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Pasang Avatar Mybloglog pada kolom komentar

KupluckMerah 2010-10-01

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Sebenarnya memasang avatar Mybloglog di kolom komentar bukanlah hal yang baru, namun dari Actually installing Mybloglog avatar in the comments are nothing new, but from some blogs that I have ever visited was very little to apply it. Somehow tutorial ever popularized by the beautiful blogger Amanda is just not so much demand, but I think this widget is very useful, it makes no difference really, the old tutorial I wrote did not use the dialing avatars through Mybloglog widget, but directly menggambilnya through Blogger Profile.

Well, amidst my busy today and yesterday nyempetin minute nyobain avatar that has been somewhat stale, eh results were beyond expectations .. was until recently has been around hundreds of thousands of bloggers who are interested in queue and also want to install .. Logo continually urged and even dared this tutorial pay a high price would not want me well just write it directly tutorial. Halah ngalur ngidul not clear ... (more common mode error on hihihi)

Well, forget about writing lunkhead above, immediately wrote ya ..

1. Make sure colleagues have already registered on Mybloglog

2. If so, now back to Blogger, then go directly view the first HTML Edit. Find the closing </ head> then copy and paste all the script below and place on top. (Do not forget the save first)

<script type='text/javascript'>
Merlinox and Napolux MyBlogLog Avatar Creator
created by Merlinox (
helped by Napolux (

version 0.1 (20061214)
version 0.2 (20061215)
compatible with all blogger blog

function myLayer (x){
//individuo l'oggetto
if(document.layers){ // browser="NN4";
if(document.all){ // browser="IE";
lay=eval("document.all." + x);
if(!document.all && document.getElementById){ // browser="NN6+ or IE5+ if you're willing to dump the !document.all stuff";
return lay;

//lo prendo da blogger
function myBlogAvatar(codiceCommento,autore,stile){
//scrivo lo span
//var myBlogSpan = "myBlog-" + codiceCommento;
//document.write("<span id='" + myBlogSpan + "'><i>myBlogLog...</i></span>");

//metto tutto minuscolo perchè indexOf è case sensitive

if (autore != ""){
alt="MyBlogLog: " + autore;

myBlog = "<a target='_blank' href=\"" + autore + "\" rel='nofollow'><img src=\"" + autore + "\" alt=\"" + alt + "\" title=\"" + alt + "\" border=\"1\" class=\"myBlogAvatar\"></a>";
//myLayer(myBlogSpan).innerHTML = myBlog + myLayer(myBlogSpan).innerHTML;
//myLayer(myBlogSpan).innerHTML = myBlog;

3. Still on the Edit HTML, check the Expand Widget Templates. Then find the code below:
<b:loop values='data:post.comments' var='comment'>

You've met? if so, please copy and paste all the code below and place back under the code above.

<div style='border:0;float:left;margin: 0 5px 0 0;'>

4. Save and see the results .. good luck:)


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